Authority for:-

Delegated to:-


Principal Definitive Map Officer

Principal DM Officer or Principal PROW Officer

Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation, Parking Services, Street Scene, Parks and Grounds


Refusal of applications for DMMOs and PPOs not reasonably likely to succeed

Tick with solid fill




Making of DMMOs and PPOs – where no objection to a proposed order is received

Tick with solid fill




Confirming of DMMOs and PPOs – where no objection to an advertised Order is received

Tick with solid fill




Creation Agreements – authorisation to enter into an Agreement

Tick with solid fill




Making of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders


Tick with solid fill



Opposed proposal to make a PPO or DMMO – authorising the making of an Order



Tick with solid fill


Opposed proposal to make a PPO or DMMO – authorising the rejection of the application



Tick with solid fill


Opposed made PPOs – Abandonment of a PPO



Tick with solid fill


Opposed PPOs and DMMOs – Submission to the SoS




CD Environment (in consultation with Exec Member and local Member)

Creation Orders – authorisation to make an Order, and submit to the SoS if opposed




Area Constituency Planning Committee