Authority for:- |
Delegated to:- |
Principal Definitive Map Officer |
Principal DM Officer or Principal PROW Officer |
Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation, Parking Services, Street Scene, Parks and Grounds |
Refusal of applications for DMMOs and PPOs not reasonably likely to succeed |
Making of DMMOs and PPOs – where no objection to a proposed order is received |
Confirming of DMMOs and PPOs – where no objection to an advertised Order is received |
Creation Agreements – authorisation to enter into an Agreement |
Making of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders |
Opposed proposal to make a PPO or DMMO – authorising the making of an Order |
Opposed proposal to make a PPO or DMMO – authorising the rejection of the application |
Opposed made PPOs – Abandonment of a PPO |
Opposed PPOs and DMMOs – Submission to the SoS |
CD Environment (in consultation with Exec Member and local Member) |
Creation Orders – authorisation to make an Order, and submit to the SoS if opposed |
Area Constituency Planning Committee |